FFTO zadatak za jun je bio turski hleb Pide, a zadala ga je Mrs Ergül. Recept je sa bloga My Turkish Kitchen. Ja nikad čula za ovaj hleb, naravno :) Ovaj hleb Muslimani jedu na Ramadan. Nema ničeg neobičnog u tom testu, jedna vrsta četvrtastog tankog hleba. Pide se posipa susamom i nekim crnim semenkama koje se zovu black seed ili black onion seed, a izgledaju sitno kao susam samo su tamne. Ukus bi trebalo da je ljutkast, a pronašla sam da se u Bosni koristi pod imenom čurekot ili crni kim. Ništa mi to nije pomoglo da pronadjem ove semenke u Beogradu, tako da sam radi kontrasta pored susama hleb posula semenkama lana.
Poznata mi je ova vrsta testa, koja ima jako tanku i meku koricu. Za to je kriv puter. Čini mi se da druge masnoće ne daju isti efekat. Mast možda da, ali ulje ne. Vrlo, vrlo slična testa su mlečni hleb, u kome nema masnoće ali ima mleka, i iznad svega uskršnje testo, u koje idu i puter i mleko. Definitivno je da mleko i mlečna mast daju osetnu mekoću hlebnom testu. Hlepčići se prave sa mašću, na gotovo isti način kao turski Pide, i opet se radi o mekom testu i tananoj korici. U sva ta testa ja uvek dodam i kašiku sirćeta ili limunovog soka, jer kiselina pospešuje razvoj glutenskih vlakana, a mislim da utiče i na mekoću korice.
Još nešto sam primetila. Sigurno svi znate da postoji verovanje koje kaže da će kvasac da "pregori" ako se testo radi sa vrućom vodom. Ovo nema veze sa životom, osim možda ako se koristi vrela, kipuća voda i sipa direktno na kvasac. To stvarno nisam probala, ali topla, čak vruća voda neće ništa loše uraditi svežem kvascu, a skratiće vreme narastanja testa. Koliko god da je voda topla, kad se sretne sa brašnom ona se smlači, i to kvascu, rekla bih, prija :) Za ovaj recept koristila sam vodu koja je bila blago neprijatno vruća da držite prst u njoj, i kvasac je proradio savršeno. Još toplija voda se koristi u receptu za tortilje sa kvascem, zapravo tamo se koristi vrela voda ali i hladno maslinovo ulje, pa to dodje neka vruća mešavina, i ništa to testu nije smetalo da poraste. Najčesće se u receptima sa testom sreće upotreba mlake vode. I sama to često radim, samo iz navike, a zapravo mlaka voda se rashladi u dodiru sa brašnom, a vruća se smlači. Dakle, slobodno vruću vodu u testo, ubuduće.
Sve u svemu, turski Pide je odličan hleb :)

500 g mekog brašna
400 ml prilično tople vode
60 g putera
1 kašika sirćeta
1/2 kocke svežeg kvasca
1 kašika šećera
1 kašičica soli
susam i čurekot (nisam našla pa sam stavila lan), za posipanje
1. U šolji razmutiti kvasac sa šećerom i malo vode.
2. Prosejati brašno i dodati so. Dodati razmućen kvasac, otopljen puter, vodu i sirće, pa varjačom zamesiti testo. Biće veoma meko i lepljivo. Pokriti plastičnom folijom i ostaviti jedan sat na toplom mestu.
3. Premesiti. Manji četvrtasti pleh (25x20 cm) obložiti papirom za pečenje, pa preručiti testo i izravnati ga mokrim rukama. Nožem zaseći testo da ostanu tragovi po kojima će se kasnije seći pravougaoni parčići. Posuti semenkama.
4. Rernu uključiti na 180°C, a pleh ostaviti preko šporeta, da testo još jednom poraste. Peći oko pola sata ili dok površina ne dobije zlatno braon ton. Izvaditi iz pleha i ostaviti da se ohladi, pa seći na četvrtaste parčiće.
Recept za štampu

FFTO challenge for 2010 Jun is Turkish flatbread named Pide. The challenge is chosen by Mrs Ergül, and inspired by recipe found at My Turkish Kitchen. I have never heard of this bread, of course :) It is flat, square in shape, and it is eaten on Ramadan. There's nothing unusual in this dough, except seasoning. Pide should be seasoned with sesame seeds and black seeds (aka black onion seeds) which I couldn't manage to find, so I used flax seeds instead, in contrast to light sesame seeds.
I used to use this type of dough before, so I expected (and got) fine bread with thin and soft crust. I believe this is due to use of butter. It seems to me that other fat types don't react the same way, especially vegetable oil. Sometimes I use pork fat, which is good softener, too. However, milk fat is the milk component responsible for softness. Remeber White tin loaf, a November challenge? It calls for milk, too, and bread was really soft. The softest and tastiest dough ever (for my taste, of course) is something I call Easter dough. This dough is made of both butter and milk, and it's softness is almost unrealistic :) The breaddies are my second favorite dough, which is made the same way as Pide, but with pork fat. I always use one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar as rising agent, and I added it in the Pide, too, so this was my only exception from original recipe.
Pide turned out excellent, so thank you Mrs Ergül for letting all of us increase our baking experience by learning something interesting!

Pide - Turkish flatbread
adapted from here
500 g all purpose flour
400 ml warm water
60 g butter
1 tbsp apple cider vinegar, as rising agent
20 g fresh yeast
1 tbsp sugar
1 tsp salt
some sesame and black seeds (I used flax seeds as couldn't manage to find black seeds, aka black onion seeds, lat. Nigella Sativa)
1. Dissolve yeast with sugar and some water.
2. In a large mixing bowl, mix sifted flour with salt. Add yeast mixture, melted butter, vinegar and warm water and knead using a wooden spoon. The dough should be very soft and sticky. Cover the bowl with a plastic wrap and keep it in a warm place for rising, for an hour.
3. Re-knead the dough until it is bubble free. Place a sheet of baking paper on a 25 x 20 cm baking tray. Take the dough to the tray and make it flat with your hands until it cover all of the surface of the tray. Dampen your hands with water if the dough sticks to your hands. Then take a knife and give the dough square shapes going deep down. Sprinkle some sesame and black seeds on top.
4. Preheat the oven to 180°C. Let he dough rise at the tray for half an hour. Bake it for 30 minutes or until the color of pide turns light brown. Take the pide out of the oven and let it cool for 20 minutes and cover it with a clean kitchen towel to keep it soft.
adapted from here
500 g all purpose flour
400 ml warm water
60 g butter
1 tbsp apple cider vinegar, as rising agent
20 g fresh yeast
1 tbsp sugar
1 tsp salt
some sesame and black seeds (I used flax seeds as couldn't manage to find black seeds, aka black onion seeds, lat. Nigella Sativa)
1. Dissolve yeast with sugar and some water.
2. In a large mixing bowl, mix sifted flour with salt. Add yeast mixture, melted butter, vinegar and warm water and knead using a wooden spoon. The dough should be very soft and sticky. Cover the bowl with a plastic wrap and keep it in a warm place for rising, for an hour.
3. Re-knead the dough until it is bubble free. Place a sheet of baking paper on a 25 x 20 cm baking tray. Take the dough to the tray and make it flat with your hands until it cover all of the surface of the tray. Dampen your hands with water if the dough sticks to your hands. Then take a knife and give the dough square shapes going deep down. Sprinkle some sesame and black seeds on top.
4. Preheat the oven to 180°C. Let he dough rise at the tray for half an hour. Bake it for 30 minutes or until the color of pide turns light brown. Take the pide out of the oven and let it cool for 20 minutes and cover it with a clean kitchen towel to keep it soft.