Bogato, šareno, ukusno, zasitno... Kuvani pasulj, tunjevina, i razno povrće. Odozgo kuvano jaje. U vreme posta može i bez jajeta, i eto laganog obroka ili bogate salate. Po receptu Pomoravke, sa Coolinarike.
200 g pasulja (sirovog)
1 konzerva tunjevine (180 g)
3 čena belog luka
1 kašika soka od limuna
1 kašika maslinovog ulja
250 g sveže crvene paprike (2 komada)
100 g crvenog luka (1 glavica)
200 g paradajza (2 srednja ili 7-8 mini)
10-ak maslina bez koščice
1 tvrdo kuvano jaje
zeleniš po želji (zelena salata, rukola, peršun, mirodjija)
1. Pasulj potopiti preko noći, sutradan promeniti vodu i skuvati na tihoj vatri, pazeći da se ne raspadne. Procediti. Jaje skuvati i ohladiti.
2. Iseckati povrće - beli luk na sitno, paprike na kockice, crveni luk na pola pa na tanka rebarca, paradajz na kriškice, masline na polovine.
3. Tunjevinu ocediti od ulja pa u velikoj posudi pomešati sa pasuljem i belim lukom, dodati sok od limuna i maslinovo ulje, posoliti, promešati. Dodati seckano povrće, pa sve ovlaš promešati. Servirati preko svežeg zeleniša (zelena salata, rukola, peršun), odozgo staviti jaje isečeno na kriške i listiće peršuna i mirodjije.
Recept za štampu
Beans and tuna salad
200 g raw beans (or 500 g cooked)
180 g caned tuna
3 garlic cloves
1 tbsp lemon juice
1 tbsp olive oil
250 g fresh red pepper
100 g red onion
200 g fresh tomatoes
10 pitted olives
1 hard boiled egg
some fresh greens (lettuce, arugula, parsley, dill)
1. If you are using raw beans soak them in water overnight, then cook over low temperature in new water, until soft but not crumbled. Drain. Hard boil an egg, cool.
2. Do a cut-work. Finely chop the garlic, dice the peppers, halve then slice the onion, slice the tomatoes, halve the olives.
3. Drain tuna from the oil, place it a big bowl, add beans, garlic, lemon juice, olive oil and salt. Stir to combine. Add the vegetables, stir gently. Garnish the serving plate with fresh greens (lettuce, arugula, parsley), place the salad over, arrange the sliced egg at the top and decorate with fresh parsley and dill leaves.
200 g raw beans (or 500 g cooked)
180 g caned tuna
3 garlic cloves
1 tbsp lemon juice
1 tbsp olive oil
250 g fresh red pepper
100 g red onion
200 g fresh tomatoes
10 pitted olives
1 hard boiled egg
some fresh greens (lettuce, arugula, parsley, dill)
1. If you are using raw beans soak them in water overnight, then cook over low temperature in new water, until soft but not crumbled. Drain. Hard boil an egg, cool.
2. Do a cut-work. Finely chop the garlic, dice the peppers, halve then slice the onion, slice the tomatoes, halve the olives.
3. Drain tuna from the oil, place it a big bowl, add beans, garlic, lemon juice, olive oil and salt. Stir to combine. Add the vegetables, stir gently. Garnish the serving plate with fresh greens (lettuce, arugula, parsley), place the salad over, arrange the sliced egg at the top and decorate with fresh parsley and dill leaves.
Beautiful salad!Thanks for the English translation! :)
ReplyDeletePredivna slika i salata. Boje predivne.
ReplyDeleteSlažemo se da je rukola lijepa na slikama, meni je malo prejak njen okus, volim je samo sa sirom i rajčicom.
Super izgleda!Obožavam i pasulj i tunjevinu,imam sličan recept sa sa crvenim pasuljem.Probaću i ovako.
ReplyDeleteIzvrsni sastojci a krajnji rezultat odlična salata.
ReplyDeleteSjajna fotka :)))
ReplyDeleteI love salads like this. Reminds me of being in Spain or Algeria!
ReplyDeleteFotka me ostavlja bez daha...
ReplyDeleteVolim ovakve salatice...